I ask...
Well, you know that word that says:
“Teach a child the way he should go...?” (Proverbs 22:6)
When I was 8 years old, something very important happened, I remember it like it was yesterday!
It was a Wednesday afternoon, we were meeting somewhere in Osasco in São Paulo for a “home service”, with several women. My mother was one of the leaders of that group, and because I was hyperactive, my mother took me everywhere. She used to even go to the garbage dump in our city to visit some women and take me as a “college”.
On that specific day, during the group, we had a heart-shaped box with assorted verses that we used to explain what we understand about each one - it was this box in the photo above, these hearts are more than twenty years old, I carry them wherever I can go - and like a creative and curious child, I went straight to the box of verses from which I took 2 hearts. I went to my mother to read the verse, as she had a hard time reading at that time.
And she said:
_Mother, God said these verses are for me. (I know I asked this because my mother always tells this story)
I remember my mother smiled, she read it with her eyes first and said:
_I'll read it to you and tell me what you understand:
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8
“He said to me, “You are my son today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” Psalms 2:7,8
... She simply asked the question:
_ What does God mean by these two verses?
I took a break… – I grew up in a community where every third Sunday of the month we prayed for the nations –
I replied:
_ Mother, I will be a missionary! Because it is to speak, preach about God and he will give nations for an inheritance!
For a child's head, my mother found it interesting.
As I grew up, this simple experience guided my life. I always came across two paths, Father took me to remember that moment or my mother remembered.
I want to share things that have helped me on my little journey:
Always follow and be obedient to what God tells you.
The way He speaks is simple! About what you were destined, He speaks only for you, with you and is biblical.
He will bring people into this process who will reaffirm and remember what God has spoken to you. It could be your mother, your father, a close friend, a spiritual parent or a pastor.
There will be investment! Then God will send people or give you creative ideas so that you have resources, whether it be financial, educational, spiritual growth and character growth.
Be devoted to your vows as a bride of Christ: constant sanctification, spiritual discipline and above all love God and love your neighbor (Mt. 22: 32-37).
Make a list of core values of Christ's character for your life and create pillars of edification to keep your vows growing in love;
Therefore, always seek to have intimacy with God, for He is your Leader and will guide you in every step.